Monday 10 December 2012

Yes what a whirlwind of a month

Yes we both have been very busy of late. It is time for an update which will be written soon. I visited UK as you saw in the previous post for a 3week period (most of October) hence the dry patch on the blog. We loved our time spent together, and even more so after the exciting surprise engagement which was a.may..zing!! What a trip it was, very special for the two of us. We thoroughly enjoyed and cherished each second of the days together.

I had been on the job search whilst Elisa was busy at work and had a few other stinging issues which needed dealing with urgently. All has been rectified now on Elisa's end which is great. I have now found a new position at a restaurant as a Kitchen Manager / Chef. I will wait a bit longer to see if it is the right position for me, lots of standing and many 16 hour days with hardly a break.

Elisa is finally looking excited for her family visit to Argentina which will happen very soon. I believe 23rd December she heads off. (that is correct isn't it babe?) I will have to find a way to communicate with my carino whilst she is over there, even though I know she will be super busy with family and friends.

Its Linda, my sisters birthday tomorrow - although due to my new job I have to work the evening so will miss out on her special day, therefore as this is my half day off (working 5pm-midnight) I managed to arrange lunch today so better head out now and meet her or I will be late.

More to come..this post is to be continued.

I love you gorgeous!! Looking forward to seeing you shortly xxxxxx Besotes xxxxxx

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