Monday 21 January 2013

Snow in London

I just wanted to write a quick blog about my recent return to the UK. I still have to write another blog about my visit to Argentina and my family in a long time, but I will skip this (just for now) and post about the snow that welcomed me back in the UK as it seems to be the hot topic these days (at least over here my lovely Mark).

I arrived from Buenos Aires on the 18th February 2013 and just the day after my arrival this is what I witnessed over here...  a very very white London! :)  ... and cold too!

It was good in a way to see the snow as it has been a while it hasn't snowed so much but it was also a big jump on temperatures from 35 - 40 degrees in sunny Buenos Aires to -10 in snowy London!... Mark, how I wish you were here to go out an build up a huge snow man or to take a picture doing the snow angel! I have never done one before but I need someone to come with me or people will think I have gone crazy if I go on my own... hehe.

I love you tons and I am missing you my love, hope you are keeping well, happy and smiling as always. I love your cute and handsome smile.

Speak soon in the next blog, where I will be sharing about my trip to Argentina to see my family! :-D
Now, off to bed as it is reaching midnight over here and it was my first day back to work after three weeks off relaxing!....


  1. Hey Babe, what a nice Winter post. Yes it was great to see our initials and names imprinted on the snow. Lots of hugs and kisses to my beautiful carino xxxooooxxxooo

    Missing you heaps.
    Love Hubby to be Mark
