Saturday 25 August 2012

Surprise surprise!

I just wanted to write a quick post today as an update. So here I go...

My gorgeous cariño Elisa  has once again surprised me with news that she has been able to book time off to see me in December which is awesome news and very exciting for both of us. It is not official though until we get confirmation of all bookings put into place. Currently as it stands it looks like the dates will be set as 22nd Dec to 11th Jan still leaving the weekend for Elisa to get back and rest before work on the 14th Jan. We both look forward to organising this trip to enable us to be together again, which is Genial!

The other surprises have been early Birthday presents for both of us (as our birthdays are separated only by 50 days), which has been a..may..zing too. Elisa gets a new Ipod Touch 32GB and I get a new Samsung SIII and both of us overwhelmed with happiness as they were both much wanted items as Elisa wanted it for photos, music and applications and my phone has been troublesome lately and so it was good to get the order put through.

Next surprise may be arriving sooner than planned.... Watch this space to find out!!
 I love you and miss you dearly babe and cannot wait to see you and finally spend quality time with you!

PS more blog news to come...

1 comment:

  1. Aww... 50 days? I never saw it that way and yes it is amazing! A nice figure and lots of celebrations ... There are more surprises to come but for those we have to wait! Your birthday is coming soon and I cannot wait for that To sing you a happy birthday ...he he but working towards my visit is going to be great! Thanks for this post it is always good and exciting to read it! Xxxx
