Tuesday 14 August 2012

My second trip to Austria - To visit the family! 

Okay, a while ago Mark expressed that he wanted to know about my experiences in Austria specifically from my last trip as the first trip you were there so I am sure you know how a great time we had!. I think I am inspired to tell my story and share my thoughts today so let's make the most of it.

Firstly, I wanted to say Mark, after my comments saying that you don't write a lot in our blog, I  must admit that the last three posts are yours so I am very impressed. hun! hehe... Tell me about girl power, (hehe...love you! x)

Okay, on the 17th June 2012 I went to Austria to visit Andy (your mum) and this trip was fully funded by you. I wanted to say thanks for that! which I am still very grateful about it and thinking back, I think I deserved that weekend away after so many stressful days at work. On top of stresses, June was an usual monthly weather behaviour in the UK! (raining, raining and raining non-stop. The most interesting fact, is that June is meant to be Summer in the UK!) Oh well!

So on the 17th of June I flew to Austria, I must admit that before traveling I had mixed feelings (as a normal person I had that small fear to the unknown) By now, I met Sylvia (your grandma) and I knew what to expect from her because luckily she likes me :) hehe. But I wasn't sure about meeting your mum when you told me that you were not traveling but you thought that it would be good to meet more family members (as they were literally around the corner!)

You were so right with that thought!... On the 17th I flew to Graz but the first time I visited the country was with you and I am glad that we did a lot of walk around the town because when I arrived I could know where I was and it wasn't unfamiliar to me. But Sylvia and Andy were waiting for me right outside the arrivals door at the airport so it was so easy to find them and for them to find me! hehe. Andy had to spot me (Mark did a good job about our Skype chat so we could see each other and some picture training there too I think! hehe)

It was really good to arrive and get a massive hug (and I mean massive as if I knew me for ages!) from Andy then from Sylvia. Then we headed to Sylvia's house on the taxi. Graz was hot and sunny and I couldn't believe my eyes to see such a beautiful town in summer. Last time we went it was freezing but it was still a beautiful town! We then had a good catch up at home and talked about everything and we called you as well as you were worried about me and your mum not spotting me. Although you were miles away you were worried like a dad that is letting his daughter go on a first date! haha.... Calls from Australia to your mum, messaging me on my phone, etc etc.... hehe xx

After that, your mum and I headed to the Hotel and we had another catch up. I think I told her lots and lots of thing and she did too and we went to bed at 2am or later. It was a nice girly chat and I felt at home. Your mum was such a nice and happy person (and I was worried that she might not be the chatty type! how wrong I was!) We also went for a walk around town and we spotted the first signs that we like 'Jewellery' a lot and even the same pieces and colours. Very random but our tastes are so similar!...

On Saturday we went to Slovenia, which was a great trip! we had a massive ice-cream and ordered the same food from the menu! (see photo on the right) your mum took photos of us in the restaurant of the two of us and I use her camera to take a few shots of the city but unfortunately they travelled to Australia with her. I have got a few shots though and I have put them here. I also found a bag with my name, I am a brand in Slovenia! amazing!

Sunday, when I was leaving it was really good too because your mum took Sylvia and I to a very nice restaurant inside the airport so we had a nice lunch before me traveling back to the UK and I a took a lovely picture of them. Sylvia did enjoy the treat and was so happy, she didn't even want to let me go at the airport! she was holding my arm and I thought I was going to stay in Graz! hehe...

It was a wonderful trip overall and I am glad that I did go and met the family, 
I am excited now about meeting them all in Australia soon, I cannot wait to meet the rest of the Suransky family but more importantly:

I cannot wait to be with the most important Suransky person for me! and this is you my sweet Mark!! I am counting the days to witness all our plans to come reality and go according to what we are carefully planning and working towards.....

It is going to be A...May....Zing!  :) xxxx


  1. Thanks for the lovely post Sweety, absolutely great. I appreciate the kind words my love, and what good detail you have added. A bit of news for each of your days that you were there, which is nice.

    I can't wait either - it will be superb when it all happens and we are finally together. Keep on going on..day by day we are getting closer to a life forever together! Woohoo :-*


  2. I am glad that you liked it. I could have gone into much more daily detail (as there was so much to talk about! well, I always do have a lot anyway!) but I thought it was extending like an essay type and I didn't want to bore you! hehe. I know that you don't get bored anyway maybe that is why I write lots because I know you enjoy reading me! it must be your good eyes!
    I just read it back and spotted a few English mistakes. Arghh.... I am not going to correct them, maybe it is best to issue an 'apology' from my part for the future audience! (and that saves me some editing!) hehe
    I will try to be more careful next time! E x

  3. That first paragraph is so messed up! haha.... gave me a headache!
