Tuesday 29 May 2012

Our trip to Austria
Our flags together at the
United Nations - Vienna
Graz City -2012
On 20/02/2012 we went to Austria for a few days. We travelled to Graz to visit Mark's grandmother and the trip was a couple of days after a big snowfall around all Europe. It was cold and some snow was still around some of the streets but it was nice to be in another country! When we arrived it was sunny and it remained with a   quite decent weather throughout all our stay

I took almost 30 or more 
pictures just on the train!
Although the flight arrived on time, unfortunately we didn't arrive on time for the grandmas' 'welcome to Graz' dinner and she was a bit upset about it as the food was cold and she was worried about us not being able to get to her house because we didn't  speak the language (mother's instinct! hehe). But we were fine! Most people speak English everywhere and I had Mark that could say a couple of words in Austrian! but as I said... only a couple! he he

From Graz we decided to take the train and visit Vienna. The trip wasn't bad at all!. It only took us around four hours or so but the scenery was beautiful! Lots of house cabins in the middle of the mountains, snow, the sun shining and lakes that kept us entertained...oh, and me trying to take pictures of us two on the train but failing on must of them. When we checked them they were wither too close, one of us had their eyes closed or we looked too tired, as we woke up early every day to enjoy the holidays. Next time we will hire a photographer to come with us!...
Even though we didn't have a photographer we managed to take looooooots of pictures. I was the one taking almost all the pictures; Mark was enjoying the sightseeing and the city. All my friends and everyone know that I love to capture every single moment of my holidays (I could put it as every single second). But I am happy with our snapshots as I will be able to share my visit with family, friends (and even my children!) in future without missing any detail. I loved the trip to Austria. Vienna is so clean and very cultural, with lots  of museums, we needed more time (and £££) to visit them all.


  1. Mark... you can spell check my blog posts if you want, I know that you love doing that! :) xx xx

  2. There was one word 'wither' and I suppose it was meant to be 'rather' ? xx xx : )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wither? haha..... I meant either!.... is it rather the right term? E xxxxx
