Saturday 19 May 2012

Our first date 

Photo taken by Mark on our first date!
This is the first post, and my aim is to document our best moments together since the very first day we've met. 

Once upon a time, our story began on a beautiful weekend on the 18th September 2011 in London (UK). Our meetings was set in the afternoon, my memory is failing right now but I think it was around 1.30pm (I am sure Mark has better memory than me)

Our very first meeting couldn't have been in a better place for us. Mark set the location at the amazing M&M store in Leicester Square London. I was running five minutes late (as usual) but managed to get there without any problems. 

Since we first met we share lots of nice moments and didn't stop laughing, we browsed the shop and all the different toys and sweets and, cutting the story short, we had such a good laugh  and time as if we already met like a million years ago!.... since day one I had a good feeling, we both felt so comfortable with each other and I knew that this was a good sign and I think we both felt the same... (and we weren't wrong!) 


  1. Wow a..may..zing Sweety. Great idea to set up a blog site. One day our kids will be able to view our history online. Excellent. I love you tons. Love Mark xxx : )

    1. Yes, it is true and I hope they enjoy it as we do! Love you lots xx

  2. Let's add more pics and maybe some photos from our Graz and Paris holidays. Miss you and Love you, speak to you in the morning when you wake up xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Yes, this is just the beginning. I will find the time to add many many more adventures :) xxx
