Wednesday 25 July 2012

Things are happening..and it is a good feeling!

Yes, I know.. lately it has been all Elisa creating new posts, although I think my comments below posts also do count as part of a blog and its history. Now its my turn for sure..

Well, the good news is YAY..I finally got a job that is full time and it is in Client Services with an insurance firm, so glad as it is more in line with what I did in the UK. I am also happy as this is the start of our long term savings for our future life together.

Other news is Elisa, my gorgeous loving and beautiful novia has also got the ball rolling on her end.. including arranging certifying original documents and obtaining original notary translations. This is the start of the movement and is an exciting time as now we can see things happening. (Thankfully we also located a missing original birth certificate, which we thought went missing, but luckily it turned up in her bedroom. Phew.)

It is very exciting that our 1 year anniversary is nearly arriving. It is 18th September (taken from our first date) so not long after my 33rd (Oh Vey, does that sound right..) I feel younger each day heehe.
I am confident in saying this will be our only anniversary apart ever. It will teach us and many others that love, support and dedication to persevere in any relationship will pay off (whether it be that they are far apart or together). A sacrifice to endure of epic proportions but amassed with a gift and joy like no other, of the end result being a loving life together.. with your perfect other half, who you love and appreciate for the remainder of your life. What a great end result : ) I love you so much my carino, always and forever.

Looking forward to our continued dedication to get ourselves together, it WILL happen, nothing can stop US. Hope to post some info on our Paris trip at some stage, and also I think Elisa may post something soon on her recent Austria trip where she met my Mother and Grandmother on her own.

Love you tons Gorgeous xxx

Sweet as peanut butter KitKats...

Okay, I guess it is time for me to write again isn't it Mark? Because you haven't made the effort, to do so (shocking, and yes, everybody needs to know this!...he he) I decided to write.

What would be today's topic? Erm...let me think? well I am not sure but it can lead to so many spontaneous thoughts and I am using my new downloaded eblogger application from my phone, so here we go:

I don't know if you have noticed this but we are very close to enter the 11th month since we first met and I can't believe how quickly it went! I am still trying to adapt to a life with you living miles away from me (a temporary arrangement).

I was so used to finishing work, looking forward to the end of my work shift and taking my train straight back to Chancery Lane to see you again and have a relaxing evening together. I know that you had to cope with my present sad moments, which I can only say "sorry, I'm human and a bit (just a bit) weaker than you" or you are so good at remaining stronger (which is my thought). Imagine the two of us being weak? This relationship could collapse so, in fact, I am very proud of you "being there for me" when I most needed it. You have been great at calming me down when I am a bit confused and sad about this situation and you are always remaining strong (even if you are equally suffering as I do)
Anyway, this is not meant to be a sad post, but a happy one and I don't even know where I am going with this so I will move on (I thought everyone should know about this characteristic of yours too...he he)

Well, in fact soon it will be our first year!...and time goes by so quickly. Every time I have to go to Holborn or even Chancery Lane I have lots of nice stories to remember about you which is great and looking forward to relive them again!.

Almost everything reminds me of you. Even small things like  seeing this.... (see photo)
I remember that day when KitKat was doing that competition about what will be the most voted flavour and we walked around all the convenience stores in central London (and I mean ALL of them, one by one) in the quest of searching for the peanut butter one! even bought one online that cost you a fortune!...  I know, all for the sake of a yummy peanut butter chocolate!

As the competition is now close, I see these peanut butter KitKats everywhere! and I cannot contain my smiles. Although we were so determined to find it and entered every single shop we were not successful at that time!...oh well, at least I can say that we might have a Guiness  record and we are not even aware of! I want my certificate - Ha ha

I think that's it from me...just a small reminder that it will be one year of happiness together soon and although we might not be physically together to celebrate, and I say might as you never know, (I want to remain positive. I, could win the lottery!) it is just the beginning of many many many many many more stories together! :)  Love you xxxx

Monday 16 July 2012

I will write again soon

Hi Mark,

Just a quick message to say that I will be writing again soon, I just need to find the time. As you know, I do not seem to have the time these days to chill out and write. My workplace is driving me a bit nuts... and I love the challenges and all that but finding difficult to have a 'me time'.
I will find it...don't worry! Just quickly confirming that I will write back again. Promise x x x

Love you sweetie x x

Friday 6 July 2012

Today, it is my turn to show you my collage...

Love you lots, Mark x x x