Monday 16 July 2012

I will write again soon

Hi Mark,

Just a quick message to say that I will be writing again soon, I just need to find the time. As you know, I do not seem to have the time these days to chill out and write. My workplace is driving me a bit nuts... and I love the challenges and all that but finding difficult to have a 'me time'.
I will find it...don't worry! Just quickly confirming that I will write back again. Promise x x x

Love you sweetie x x


  1. Hey babe, thanks. That's no problem.. whenever you get a chance. I know work has been busy for you too. Thanks for sorting out the paperwork too for our relationship registration. I look forward to being able to submit that for us. I love you and miss you tons. Hope work is not painfully hectic. Anyway speak soon on whatsapp or viber or Skype or phone or by email or this. hehee. xxxxx

  2. P.s great photo, but due to my own photo taking, I found it difficult to focus on the shot and smile for it at the same time. Men can not multitask everything you know : ) xx

  3. You look absolutely perfect to me so I do not see the problem with the picture at all. It was a nice afternoon day after a nice trip to the Selfridges Food Hall.

    Do you remember that we bought those beautiful and yummy French "yoghurts" (that word said it with my Argentinean accent that you love....hehe) and the half price sandwiches made in the store! That was a nice mini-picnic in the park in April (a sunny day) and not even pre-planned!

    I just love those spontaneous trips that end up so good! (I guess it is the company that makes it good! hehe) xxx
