Sunday 17 February 2013

Happy Valentine's day

Late but the intention was always there!

Mark, my love, I will always love you and look after you. Although sometimes I get mad, just know that it is because I will always care and want the best for you. Don't take me wrong as it must be the Latin American fire within me! hehe but I promise I will change as you deserve the best!.

I am missing you, my sweet, and now that we sent the application form off we can start soon counting the days until I can see you again to give you a big hug and kisses. 

Looking forward to that day!!...

1 comment:

  1. Hey my beautiful angel carino Elisa, thanks for the sweet message. You have never been mad before at me. (I know you are passionate in your words and I do understand your rationale and reasoning when it comes to supporting my best interests as I too, would support you). We both care a fortune for each other and for our future together too. This Valentines art photo and message was awesome to receive. Love you tons hun. It was worth the delay. hehehe. Lotsa hugs n kisses babe. xxxxooooxxxx
