Tuesday 18 September 2012

Happy anniversary !!!

Happy anniversary my love. The first one of many many more! :)
I can't wait to see you again on the 2/10/2010. I am literally counting the days and I have to start my plans so we have the most fantastic time together. Hopefully one more sacrifice after this trip and we will be together forever !!


  1. Thanks my love. I so look forward to being with you together forever!! Yes very much so looking forward to the 02/10. Please don't worry about arriving so early at airport but I would love to give you the biggest hugs and kisses possible. If I land at 6am I should be out about 7am, although you never know whether there will be delays. (best to check for delays the night before)

  2. Will do don't worry about that I will plan it well. Did you notice that I mentioned you are coming to visit me in the past? (2010) Haha ...don't know how you'll do that but make sure I can see you on the 2/10 this year (2012) PLEASE !!! Hehe. Love you Xxx

  3. Haha..no you were right the first time babe. 2/10 means 2nd October which is correct. The other 2/10 Means February 2010 but that wouldn't have been right for your choice as you knew I was coming in October and not February anyhow. So don't lose belief in yourself..you were right the first time gorgeous. Love you too xxx

  4. Nooo ....I was talking in the body of this message.Next to the beautiful red rose you sent me? It might be my phone distorting it but I can clearly see 2/10/2010!! I'll send you a photo via whatsapp now :) so you can see that I am not going blind! I made a mistake ....hehehe

  5. Oh yeah I see that now. I thought you meant here in the comments babe. Ahh don't worry, I always understand what you mean anyhow.. as I also didn't pick up on that error. Too busy responding here in the comments to you - hahaaa. Anyway it's fine : )

  6. Hehe I like that you are keeping yourself busy with important stuff ;-) xxx
