Wednesday 13 March 2013

April's Aussie visit - Elisa visits Sydney

Hey Gorgeous,

So glad that we could manage to finally arrange another visit, this time you get to see Sydney. I am counting the days and very much looking forward to being with you. It will be a great trip. Not only do you get to see Sydney but somewhere else in Australia too (on a holiday break together).

We will do some wedding shopping such as selecting our wedding rings and maybe even looking at decorations, clothing, colour schemes etc. We will venture out to different locations in sydney so you can get some idea of the city itself and its size and we can dine healthily at many seafood restaurants and other healthy eateries.

I am very excited, it is great to have a countdown for this. 5weeks 2 days to go : )

Hope your wedding dress fitting goes well and that it is ready in time for you to bring back to Australia on this trip over. Lots of planning over next few months for our wedding.\

Love you and missing you tons babe!

Besos mi Carino fiancee.

Love always and forever,