Monday 18 June 2012

My daily pictures ...

Every day since Mark left to Australia, which I can't never remember the exact date (It is best to forget otherwise I keep counting the days and seem ages) we communicate through different mediums, Email, Whatsapp, Skype, Viber, Rebtel and two games that we play remotely using our phones: Draw Something and Words for Friends, which are two traditional games .... and Scrabble. Oh, how I love technology! now we are also playing it in Spanish, it will be great for his Spanish lessons.

As an example, today (when I wrote this article it was 12/06/2012) I received this picture. Usually I receive daily pictures. It is good to receive pictures from Mark frequently because at least it keeps us closer and we share all our stories and daily antics through our photos. I must admit that my pictures don't come daily as I sometimes forget to send one, but one thing I do is that I never forget to keep in touch as it is very important.

In addition to my pictures, it is really sweet to receive a message from my Mark when I wake up every morning. Nowadays, my daily routine is to wake up, turn the morning alarm off and check my phone for a message from Mark, I usually send him a quick message saying ' good morning', then i take my shower. Whilst I am getting ready for work I still chat a bit, then throughout the day via Whatsapp.

The time difference has been quite challenging for us but we managed to communicate frequently! Perhaps I could say that we keep in touch more regular than a couple that can see each other daily! Do you agree Mark? ...he he... But I am counting the days when I will be able to see and speak to my sweet 'other half' daily! as I miss him so much and I am so happy to have met him !!!

<MARK> I would also like to add that Elisa puts a lot of effort in to our contact as well and its such a pleasing and enjoyable experience to still be able to stay close and always in touch. Distance can't keep us away from each other. We have such a strong bond and fantastic closely knit relationship with each other and always will. 

<MARK> We will continue to add to our blog page. As soon as we can - our aim is to attach a nice collage of our (so far collected) imagery that we send back and forth to each other.each and every day. I'm looking forward to doing this little project as it will add a nice supplement to our written blog. 

<MARK> For now though I just want to leave a little note for my sweetheart. "Gorgeous, I'm so happy that you got to meet my Mother and Grandmother - the three of you. Was very kind of you to offer such wonderful gifts, they were very happy with them and I hope you write soon about your visit on our blog here. Love you tons, always and forever".